Before I start my discussions at very first want to talk about -
It is a retirement services company that provides small businesses with affordable, quality
Solo 401k plans and the choice to invest in alternative investments such as real estate, private companies, businesses, private notes as well as traditional investments—stocks and mutual funds.
You can keep in touch with them at various Social Media Sites -
As a Solo 401k provider, educator, and directed administrator we don’t have conflicts of interest as we don’t offer investments or investment advice.
It does not endorse any particular advisory firms or investment opportunities. Potential clients are advised to perform their own due diligence in choosing an attorney, tax advisor or any investment opportunity.
Solo 401K plan is quickly becoming the plan that the self employed keep choosing because of its benefits and advantages. Anyone who is a business owner and has no other employees other than a spouse, or is self employed can access this solo plan.
One of the benefits includes the Solo loan. If you have this method and decide you need a loan you can borrow up to half of the value or a maximum of fifty thousand dollars from your retirement. Other retirement plans such as IRAs, SEP IRAs, or Keogh, a money purchase profit sharing option, do not allow loans due to government restrictions.
These plans have a high contribution limit more so than other retirement plans. You can contribute up to forty nine thousand for 2010 and 2011. If you are fifty years of age or older you can contribute up to fifty four thousand five hundred to your retirement per year.
However, individual 401k plans will not be available to entrepreneurs or small business owners who have any full-time employees aged 21 years or more. Further, they will also not be available to them if they have part-time employees who work for them for more than 1,000 hours per year.
Since Solo 401K or IndividualK plans can be structured as self-directed 401Ks, they permit investment in almost anything from tax liens, real estate and mortgages to stocks, bonds and CDs. With the potential for making fairly sizeable tax free contributions and the investment latitude permitted, any self-employed person would do well to look into how a Solo 401K or an IndividualK plan would fit into their retirement planning.
It is a retirement services company that provides small businesses with affordable, quality
Solo 401k plans and the choice to invest in alternative investments such as real estate, private companies, businesses, private notes as well as traditional investments—stocks and mutual funds.
You can keep in touch with them at various Social Media Sites -
As a Solo 401k provider, educator, and directed administrator we don’t have conflicts of interest as we don’t offer investments or investment advice.
It does not endorse any particular advisory firms or investment opportunities. Potential clients are advised to perform their own due diligence in choosing an attorney, tax advisor or any investment opportunity.
Solo 401K plan is quickly becoming the plan that the self employed keep choosing because of its benefits and advantages. Anyone who is a business owner and has no other employees other than a spouse, or is self employed can access this solo plan.
One of the benefits includes the Solo loan. If you have this method and decide you need a loan you can borrow up to half of the value or a maximum of fifty thousand dollars from your retirement. Other retirement plans such as IRAs, SEP IRAs, or Keogh, a money purchase profit sharing option, do not allow loans due to government restrictions.
These plans have a high contribution limit more so than other retirement plans. You can contribute up to forty nine thousand for 2010 and 2011. If you are fifty years of age or older you can contribute up to fifty four thousand five hundred to your retirement per year.
However, individual 401k plans will not be available to entrepreneurs or small business owners who have any full-time employees aged 21 years or more. Further, they will also not be available to them if they have part-time employees who work for them for more than 1,000 hours per year.
Since Solo 401K or IndividualK plans can be structured as self-directed 401Ks, they permit investment in almost anything from tax liens, real estate and mortgages to stocks, bonds and CDs. With the potential for making fairly sizeable tax free contributions and the investment latitude permitted, any self-employed person would do well to look into how a Solo 401K or an IndividualK plan would fit into their retirement planning.