Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are the most common disorders related to eating that affect people and both have a bearing on the physical health as well as the mental condition of the person suffering from it.
The treatment process is long drawn involving medication and counseling, both of which can eat into the finances of the patient and his family.
These disorders cannot be cured overnight since they affect a person psychologically. The multiple counseling or psychological therapy sessions can add up huge bills that the person is unable to deal with.
So that, The Canadian Government offers financial benefits to persons suffering from eating disorders to help them meet the costs of treatment.
As per mine knowledge, several types of disability tax credit benefits that a person can get and researching to find out the various options is a difficult task that the patient may not be in the frame of mind to do.
The Canadian Disability Corporation Services is one of the good alternatives as have trained experts to aware of the various benefits that a person can get for physical or mental disorders.
Need to do just fill up the online request form with your personal details and eating disorder information.
After that they will do the research for you and keep informed of the benefits that can receive as well as the procedure for applying for it.